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How Long Do I Have to File a Hit and Run Claim in Florida?

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The time you have to file a hit-and-run claim in Florida depends on your individual needs. For example, if you file a wrongful death claim that stems from a hit-and-run accident, you have up to two years from the date of death to file the necessary paperwork. However, if you file a personal injury lawsuit, you have a window of four years from the date the accident occurs.

The laws surrounding the statute of limitations can be overly complex and confusing to try and navigate on your own. So instead, contact our law firm and ask to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case and examine your legal options.

What Are Statutes of Limitations?

Regarding personal injury, the Florida statute of limitations restricts an individual from filing a claim after being injured or involved in an accident. Evidence and witness testimony is most substantial when collected promptly. The main objective is to ensure justice is served, which decreases significantly as time passes. The statute of limitations protects the rights of all parties involved in the legal action.

Are There Any Exceptions to the Statute of Limitations?

Although the statute of limitations in Florida is noticeably clear regarding the amount of time an injury victim or family of the deceased has to file a claim, certain exceptions may apply. For example, the responsible party may have fled the state or concealed their true identity. Or the injured party may have been under the age of 18 or had a disability that prevented them from filing a claim.

What Happens if I Miss the Deadline For the Statute of Limitations?

You must understand the time allowed in your particular case regarding the statute of limitations for filing a claim. Unfortunately, many individuals mistakenly think they will have plenty of time to strengthen their case or recover from losing a loved one to wrongful death. However, time is of the essence when filing any legal claim.

If you fail to meet the deadline for filing a claim under the rules of the statute of limitations, the court will most likely not agree to hear your case, and it will be dismissed with prejudice. In simple terms, you will not be permitted to pursue further compensation.

When Should I File a Claim if I Have Been Injured in an Accident?

If you have been injured in an accident, you must file a claim as quickly as possible. It is in your best interests to hire an experienced attorney to assist you with filing the paperwork and helping you through the legal process.

You should never delay filing a claim, as time can easily slip away from you. If you allow the time to expire before you file a claim, you may have no other financial recourse to recover damages related to your accident and injuries. Instead, contact our law office by calling 772-569-0000 and ask to schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs.

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