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Who Pays For Accident-Related Expenses in Florida?

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Florida is a no-fault accident state when it comes to auto insurance. Motorists must carry what is known as personal injury protection insurance (PIP). When an accident occurs, an individual’s PIP insurance pays 80 percent of what the insurer believes to be reasonable and necessary medical expenses. It also pays 60 percent of an individual’s gross wages if they cannot work.

If you have been involved in an accident and still need more information about Florida laws pertaining to auto insurance and how benefits are paid, contact our law firm, and ask to schedule a free consultation with a legal team member.

Can I File a Lawsuit to Recover Compensation From the At-Fault Driver?

Because PIP insurance is limited to only paying benefits that pertain to medical expenses and lost wages, you may need to seek financial compensation for property damage, pain and suffering, or other related non-economic damages. For example, you may file a claim against the at-fault driver’s liability insurance or through a personal injury lawsuit.

Some injuries do not immediately manifest themselves but can show up later. Protect yourself by understanding how Florida auto insurance works and talking to a car accident attorney today.

What Legal Elements Must Be Present to Win a Compensation Claim?

To recover compensation, you must prove that the responsible party’s negligent actions directly caused your accident. In most motor vehicle accidents with another driver, this could include such actions as texting while driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, or not obeying traffic laws. In addition, if your accident resulted from poor road maintenance or mechanical defect, your lawsuit must be directed toward the entity responsible for those conditions.

Does Car Insurance in Florida Pay Any Benefits if My Loved One Dies in an Accident?

If your loved one dies from an auto accident, their PIP insurance will provide up to $5,000 in death benefits. These death benefits are paid on top of any other coverage paid for the deceased individual’s lost wages and final medical expenses they may have incurred due to the accident. It should be noted that this coverage is only available if the decedent was insured at the time of their death.

Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Attorney After Being Involved in an Accident?

Many individuals make the mistake of believing that they do not need the assistance of a car accident attorney after they have been involved in an accident. They trust that their insurance company will provide them with the financial compensation they need to recover from the accident. However, the insurance company may offer you a settlement far below what you need to pay for medical bills and property damage to your vehicle.

If you have been involved in an auto accident, one of the first steps you should take is to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can inform you of your rights and legal options.

Contact our law office by calling 772-569-0000 and ask to schedule a free initial consultation today.

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