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What Are Negligent Security And Premises Liability Laws In Florida?

Personal Injury

Owners of nightclubs, malls, and other premises are often required to provide safety and security for their customers, visitors, or invited guests. If a property owner in Florida fails to provide adequate lighting, warning cones, locks, or security guards when appropriate, then that property owner may be held liable for accidents and injuries sustained on their premises.

If you were assaulted or injured on someone else’s property in Florida, you may have a negligent security case. Contact premises liability law office Grall Law Group to learn how we can help file your claim. Our team of attorneys has extensive experience filing claims just like yours — contact us today.

What are Negligent Security and Premises Liability Laws in Florida?

Negligent security falls under premises liability laws, which dictate when a property owner is responsible for injuries suffered by persons who are on the property. By law, property owners and landlords must take care in the construction and maintenance of all buildings and areas. Falling under these laws, the property owner or business owner must provide adequate security against all foreseeable crimes and dangers.

Whether your injuries sustained through negligent security are common (slip and falls) or traumatic (such as rape, assault, or worse) contact the premises liability lawyers at Grall Law Group for support and protection. We are a family-based law group ready to take your call.

Some injuries lead to long-lasting effects, such as post-traumatic stress, physical disability, disfigurement, or, in the worst circumstance, wrongful death. If you have suffered a bodily injury or have lost a loved one due to a property or landowner’s negligence, then you may be owed significant financial compensation.

Contact Our Negligent Security Law Firm

In the event of a death or serious injury due to negligent security, our law firm can help you get started on the road to recovery. Call our office immediately at 772-569-0000. Grall Law Group personal injury and premises liability law firm is a family business with the compassion you want and the experience you require. Call our office today for a free consultation.

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